Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of the Psychedelic Renaissance

We are a group of researchers with expertise in psychiatry, philosophy, law, ethics, anthropology, and the social sciences that explores the implications of the return of psychedelics into medicine. Our research project, called PsychedELSI, is coordinated at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2023 to 2026.
We will share our research and topical information here at our personal academic website. Please understand that we cannot provide you with medical information or access to psychedelic treatments.


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Project News

10.24. New Book Chapter: Caporuscio & Kind on Therapist, Trip Sitter Or Guide? A Second-Person Perspective on Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy. In The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Psychoactive Drug Use

10.24 New Paper: Caporuscio & Fink on Epistemic Risk Reduction in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences

10.24. Psychedelics: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Workhop, Charite universitätsmedizin Berlin

06.24. Psychedelic Therapies – lessons from Switzerland
Brocher Foundation Workshop

05.24. New Paper: Bublitz and Böllinger on legal questions of the regulation of psychedelics (in German on German law) Nervenheikunde (pre-print)

03.24 New Paper: Langlitz and Gearin on Psychedelic Therapy as a Form of Life. Neuroethics

02.24. Submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the planned General Comment on Drug Policy & Human Rights.

02.24. New Paper: Repantis, D., Koslowski, M. & Fink, S.B. (2024) Ethische Aspekte der Therapie mit Psychedelika. Psychotherapie.

01.24. Media Coverage:
Wenn Psychedelika auf dem Rezept stehen. FAZ, S. N 2.

01.24. New Paper: Christoph Bublitz (2024). Zur strafrechtlichen Lage von Therapien mit Psychedelika. Medizinrecht.

01.24: Media Coverage: Pilze für die Psyche